Join Our Team
Currently the teacher position has been filled.
Feel free to contact Executive Director, Beverly Smith at 717-516-1693 or email her at [email protected] to inquire about positions for the 2025-2026 year as we anticipate much growth.

Volunteer Opportunities
Thank you for your interest in The King’s Table Schoolhouse! As we are planning for the opening of our school, we would love to keep you informed.
If you are interested in partnering with TKT Schoolhouse through volunteering, please complete the form!
Christian Special Education Teacher
School Mission Statement: The mission of The King’s Table Schoolhouse is to encourage, equip and empower children with varying abilities to discover and develop their identity in Christ and God given gifts so they can overflow with hope and joy.-2 Samuel 9
We will fulfill the mission by:
- Partnering with parents to provide high quality education
- Providing small, intimate class groups
- Tailoring academic and functional learning to each child
- Fostering positive relationships within the classroom and the community
- Incorporating purposeful field trips
- Cultivating a Christ-centered culture
Reports to/Evaluated by: Executive Director
Education & Experience: Bachelor’s Degree in Special Education and a minimum of 2 years experience working with special needs individuals.
Spiritual/Personal Qualifications:
- Have received Jesus Christ as his/her personal Savior.
- Be a practicing, church-going, Christ follower.
Believe that the Bible is God’s Word and standard for faith and daily living. - Be a Christian role model in attitude, speech, and actions toward others.
- Be in whole-hearted agreement with the school’s Statement of Faith, mission and vision statement.
- Recognize the role of parents as primarily responsible before God for their children’s education and be prepared to assist them in that task.
- Meet everyday stress with emotional stability, objectivity, and optimism.
- Maintain a personal appearance that is a Christian role model of cleanliness, modesty, good taste, and in agreement with school policy.
- Maintain high standards of ethics, integrity and honesty in personal and professional matters.
- Respectfully submit and be loyal to constituted authority.
Essential Functions:
- Embed practical life skills into daily learning.
- Instruct each student with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
- Provide a learning environment that is safe, clean, well-ordered, cheerful, and inviting for all students.
- Engage students by using all 5 senses during instructional opportunities.
- Create opportunities for disabled students and typical students to learn together.
- Create a partnership with parents to design their child’s educational program which includes creating and monitoring learning goals.
- Assist in planning, organizing and implementing activities to support community based instruction.
- Tailor learning materials to each student’s individual needs.
- Partner with the executive director in selecting and/or creating curriculum necessary to fulfill each student’s educational plan.
Integrate prayer into the classroom, and if necessary pray with students and their families teaching them to rely on God at all times. - Develop and maintain rapport with students, parents, and staff by treating others with friendliness, dignity, and consideration.
- Seek the counsel of the Administrator, colleagues, and parents while maintaining a teachable attitude.
- Prepare appropriate weekly lesson plans including instructional objectives, planned activities, Biblical integration, assessments, and resources.
- Utilize appropriate assessment techniques to inform and evaluate student learning and progress.
- Implement effective classroom management techniques and support students with positive behavior management.
- Implement strategies recommended by related services.
- Respond to all parent and staff communications in a timely manner.
- Complete a daily communication log for each student.
- Conduct regular meetings with parents to keep them updated.
Position Specifications:
- The King’s Table Schoolhouse utilizes a model similar to that of a one room schoolhouse. The applicant will be required to manage a small classroom of 10-12 students with students varying in age (K-8) and ability.
- Required work days will be determined by the school calendar with additional days for training, collaboration, and classroom prep.
- Teacher hours are 8:00 am – 3:00 pm.
- Starting salary ranging from $40,000-$50,000
- TKT Schoolhouse seeks to support students with varying levels of ability. Our student population the 1st year will range from upper elementary to early high school and student disabilities may range from mild levels of need comparable to learning support or more significant levels of need comparable to a life skills classroom.
To apply, please submit the following items to [email protected]
- Resume
- Special Education Certification
- Department of Human Services Child Abuse
- History Clearance
- Pennsylvania State Police Request for Criminal Records Check
- Federal Criminal History Record Information (CHRI)
- References: 1 professional, 1 church related (ie: small group leader, pastor, elder, ministry leader, etc.), and 1 personal (non-family member). Please include name, relationship, phone number, and email address.
Christian Special Needs Teacher's Aid (Full-time)
- School Mission Statement: The mission of The King’s Table Schoolhouse is to encourage, equip and empower children with varying abilities to discover and develop their identity in Christ and God given gifts so they overflow with hope and joy. -2 Samuel 9
We will fulfill the mission by:
- Partnering with parents to provide high quality education
- Providing small, intimate class groups
- Tailoring academic and functional learning to each child
- Fostering positive relationships within the classroom and the community
- Incorporating purposeful field trips
- Cultivating a Christ-centered culture
Reports to/Evaluated by: Executive Director
Education & Experience: High school diploma or GED and experience working with special needs individuals required.
Spiritual/Personal Qualifications:
- Have received Jesus Christ as his/her personal Savior.
- Be a practicing, church-going, Christ follower.
- Believe that the Bible is God’s Word and standard for faith and daily living.
- Be a Christian role model in attitude, speech, and actions toward others.
- Be in whole-hearted agreement with the school’s Statement of Faith, mission and vision statement.
- Recognize the role of parents as primarily responsible before God for their children’s education and be prepared to assist them in that task.
- Meet everyday stress with emotional stability, objectivity, and optimism.
- Maintain a personal appearance that is a Christian role model of cleanliness, modesty, good taste, and in agreement with school policy.
- Maintain high standards of ethics, integrity and honesty in personal and professional matters.
- Respectfully submit and be loyal to constituted authority.
Essential Functions:
- Assist with instruction and related activities in a classroom or assigned learning environment.
- Reinforce instruction to individual or small groups of students as directed by the teacher.
- Assist in the preparation of instructional materials and implementation of lesson plans.
- Assist students with self-help, personal hygiene, and independent living skills as assigned.
- Administer assessments and assist in student record keeping.
- Instruct each child with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
- Assist in providing a learning environment that is safe, clean, well-ordered, cheerful, and inviting for all students.
- Engage students by using all 5 senses during instructional opportunities.
- Assist in creating opportunities for disabled students and typical students to learn together.
- Assist in organizing and implementing weekly community days.
- Tailor learning materials to each student’s individual needs.
- Integrate prayer into the classroom, and if necessary pray with students and their families teaching them to rely on God at all times.
- Develop and maintain rapport with students, parents, and staff by treating others with friendliness, dignity, and consideration.
- Seek the counsel of the Administrator, colleagues, and parents while maintaining a teachable attitude.
- Implement effective class management techniques and support students with positive behavior management
Position Specifications:
- 1 full-time position
- Required work days will be determined by the school calendar with additional days for training, collaboration, and classroom prep.
- Aide hours are 8:00 am-3:00 pm
- Compensation: $16-$18
- To apply, please submit the following items to [email protected]:
- Resume
- Department of Human Services Child Abuse History Clearance
- Pennsylvania State Police Request for Criminal Records Check
- Federal Criminal History Record Information (CHRI)
- References: 1 professional, 1 church related (ie: small group leader, pastor, elder, ministry leader, etc.), and 1 personal (non-family member). Please include name, relationship, phone number, and email addre6